Tips to a Good Backswing

Tips to a Good Backswing Article FeatureImage

Now…This swing theory points you in the correct direction as it gives you a solid list of do’s and dont’s which you can use to measure the success of your very own backswing. Analyzing your own gameplay and looking for ways to improve is what the game of golf is all about. However, in some circumstances it can be very difficult to find the cause of some problems. Whether your topping the ball, or hitting it too thin, working out were the cause of the problem is coming from can be very tough to say the least.


We aim to teach a very solid and quite horizontal swing plane when compared to other swings that are taught elsewhere. There are a lot of positives that can arise from this type of swing, but if performed incorrectly there are also a lot negatives that can raise their ugly head too.

This technique of golf swing is aimed at getting rid of that very annoying problem of hitting behind the ball (which is one of them main problems with a golfers shot). My major aim however is to provide you with all the information you need so that when a certain situation arises you will know what type of adjustment you need to make so that you can hit the ball correctly.

The problem you’re having

Your back shoulder in the backswing is dipping down, which means that your back shoulder is heading towards the ground. This is a really hard thing to do when your weight is shifted back away from the target and you have no lateral movement, as we teach. However, this is a very common problem with golfers who have a horizontal swing plane. The desire is to lower your back shoulder as the plane of your swing becomes more horizontal.

If your back shoulder is lowered towards the ground on your backswing, many different problems will arise from it. Things such as your hand position upon impact, timing, your weight shift through impact, and your follow through can all be badly interrupted.

The solution to this problem

Don’t worry though, as there is a very straight forward solution to this problem. You have to first of all head down to your local practice range and take your own golf balls with you. Place a golf ball under your back foot (the ball has to be half in the ground to prevent you falling over). This drill is guaranteed to get rid of your problem and will get you making more consistent solid connections with the ball.

This drill will ensure that you don’t shift your weight back and away from the target on your practice swing, and it will also help you with dipping your shoulder back.

Make sure you practice this drill often so that you can used to making solid contact with the ball. If you begin to see that you are hitting behind the ball on your round of golf, then the problem could lie in your shoulder position on the backswing.